My Artwork

Art is something I have always loved to do growing up and is what made me decide I wanted to pursue a career that involves creativity such as Interior design. Here are some of my pieces I have created throughout the years. Hope you enjoy it!

Tiger. In acrylic paint.
Mountains. In acrylic paint.
Office Room. In black pen.
Blue Buck Beer. In acrylic paint.
Metamorphosis. In oil pastel.
Wolf Doodle. In black pen.
Mandela Circle. In black pen.
Save the Whales. In black pen.
Contrasting Zebra. In acrylic paint.
The lama with heart shaped sunglasses. In acrylic paint.
Love Birds. In acrylic paint.
Bathroom design. In watercolor.
Dream catcher. In watercolor and black pen.
Close up Tiger. In watercolor.
Presentation Drawing – Bathroom. In black ink.
Presentation Drawing – Bathroom. In watercolor.
Presentation Drawing – Girls Room. In black ink.
Presentation Drawing – Girls Room. In watercolor.

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